Wednesday, April 20, 2011

So It Begins....

Yes, it is true.  I have joined the legion of bloggers out there.  I can't say that this blog will be all that different from any others out there.  I plan on writing about what I know (mortgages and work stuff), what I like (sports, movies, music, etc.) and what I love ( my God, my wife, my son).  I hope that anyone who happens to read what I write will at sometime or another, agree, disagree, feel challanged, feel inspired, or laugh out loud.  Let me know if you are reading, how you feel about it, or just drop a comment to say hello.  While Facebook has been terrific for reconnecting with friends that I haven't seen in a while, a true conversation or exchange of ideas very rarely takes place via status updates or wall posts.  That is what I really want this blog to be.  I want to start conversations with a post and continue them through your comments and updating the posts.  Now, it could be that my wife and immediately family will be the only people who will read any of this, that is fine.  Some of these ramblings and opinions are just clogging up my head and putting them down on "paper" will help clear my head.  So that is it.  We are off and running.  Wish me luck......


  1. Welcome to the blog world! I hope you keep it up I would love to hear what you and your great family have been up to. Rather then hearing little bits through Kat via Courtney and Cory. Now I can hear it directly from you! ;)

  2. My Boy is a proud.
